Portsmouth Square Park Pavilion Opens

By:  Shoma Chatterjee

The Portsmouth Square Park restrooms are now open!

Through the 2008 Park Bond, a Restroom Task Force evaluated free-standing restrooms on park property. Due to the high-user count of the Portsmouth Square restroom, the Task Force recommended that its user capacity be increased. At the conclusion of the first community meeting, the preferred solution to increasing user capacity was to replace the existing restroom, rather than to expand or supplement it.

Designed by Hamilton+Aitken Architects, the building architecture is a modern interpretation of traditional Chinese architecture. It is designed to take advantage of natural ventilation and sunlight, durability and ease of maintenance. The sloping roof line with wire-treatment along the edges is designed for pigeon-proofing. A combination of roof overhang and obscure glass limits sightlines into the restroom building from nearby taller buildings.

The Rec and Park Commission approved the concept plan in October 2012, and awarded a construction contract to Chiang CM Construction in July 2014. This project was made possible through the Restroom Program of the voter-approved 2008 Clean and Safe Neighborhood Parks Bond.

SFO T3 Wins 2015 IIDA Serve Merit Awar

By:  Shoma Chatterjee

SFO T3 wins 2015 IIDA Serve Merit Award – the award is given by the International Interior Design Association.  The project was recognized for its "clean, modern and efficient traveler experience. The design features a range of elements that offer travelers a place where they will enjoy spending time."

See the complete award posting at http://honorawards.squarespace.com/2015-winners-gallery/#/new-gallery-99/